Saturday Morning Confusion

3 Nov 2018 by Whit Prophet

I told my wife to scrap the TO-DO list today! Stick it back in the job jar. I just had too many things to accomplish today. But they are all of my own choosing, well almost!

Lots of graphics to do (Leaders, Goalies, Standings etc) . Then the premier event of the day, hilites of the Braves game last night. Followed by the hilites of the other four games in the CCHL.

Eric Faith disclosed his acceptance to play at UMass. Congrats Eric, that is the kind of interruption I enjoy. He is so deserving. Clichè’s galore about being a great player and an even nicer person. All true in his case. My favourite goal of his (but he has scored a couple of dandies in the last 2 games) was the OT winner in Carleton Place a couple of years ago. I’ll see if it is in my “Eric Faith” video metafile.

Then received an email from Dmitry in Moscow, he’s swamped and data won’t be here for 30 hours. Actually treating that as a positive, pushes everything back to a more manageable timeframe.

Biggest blow was the discovery of the failure of my software to record the third period of the game last night. being an antisocial person, I sit in our old control room, watch the Braves game on a big TV and mark the video for easy creation of the hilites package.

So the Russians were behind in the process (it wasn’t an election) so I downloaded the game video from Boston. I scooped only the goals from the third period, getting lazy in my old age. Of course when I am sitting in the control room recording Phil’s camera work, it is nice 1080 HD video, which you can play full screen or on your big TV and enjoy. But the Russian / Boston video from the Pixellot camera is only 720. Unfortunate, as it starts out as 4K. Wouldn’t that be sweet.

So in an attempt to soften the blow I added the 720 video to my 1080 footage and then rendered it all out at 1080. I was impressed, doesn’t look bad. I must ccnfess I tried implementing the Smart Upscale function in my editing software but no luck.

After it rendered, I got a kick in the gut as I discovered I had forgotten I had already added a 3rd source video (from the SDHC card in Phil’s camera). Of course it didn’t have any audio. Imported the Boston video (again), grabbed the Colt’s first goal (that’s what I had missed), separated the audio from the video and laid down an new audio track, while dampening the old one for that clip. You can tell the difference but it isn’t all that bad.

Also discovered one junction where the transition didn’t take and there was a black gap in the video. I duplicated a track and stuck it in there. I am not telling you where because you can’t tell.

So with these two changes I had to make a second rendered version which is just finishing. I will upload it to replace the one I did an hour ago.

So if you get to watch the hilites from last night (now, well in 10 mins) think of what Neil, Phil and I have been thru to get them to you.

Gotta love being a volunteer ! Beats being a voluntold!